Overeating is a challenge for many since we live in a world that is full of so many tempting foods and portions. Yet, if you are trying to maintain a healthy weight and feel more in control of your health, then avoiding overeating is crucial. Beyond weight gain, overeating can also lead to poor digestion and ultimately discomfort.
And while sometimes eating fewer calories is as simple as rebuilding your pantry, or reorganizing the foods you have access to, in many cases it’s as simple as knowing the right tips.
If you’re someone who finds yourself eating more than you should have frequently, here are some practical tips for avoiding eating too much and building a healthier relationship with food.
Eat Mindfully
The first step is remembering how important it is to eat mindfully during your meals. Rather than rushing through from start to finish, slow down and take the time to savor each flavor and bite. Stay present and pay attention to all of the different textures and flavors and chew your food thoroughly.
This is known as mindful eating and it will help you recognize when your body is full. It makes it much easier to stop eating when you’re satisfied when you’re fully present and aware of each bite. One of the most important aspects of mindfully eating is avoiding distractions during your meals. Activities like watching the television or scrolling on your phone during meals can lead to mindlessly overeating and consuming unnecessary calories.
Smaller Portions
Portion sizes play a big role in overeating. One of the most straightforward tricks for reducing your chances of overeating is to serve yourself smaller portions by using smaller plates and bowls. By using a smaller bowl or plate, and filling it to the brim, you will trick your brain into thinking you’re eating much more than you actually are.
When you can trick your brain into thinking you’re eating more than you actually are, you feel satiated without feeling deprived or like you’re still hungry.
Drink Water
Statistics show that one of the biggest causes of overeating is our body mistaking thirst for hunger. This can be avoided by drinking plenty of water before during and after meals so that your brain can differentiate between thirst and hunger. This can also help slow down your eating paste, and give your stomach the time it needs to receive a signal from your brain that it’s done eating. Besides the advantage of eating less, drinking water also supports better overall health and improved digestion.
Don’t Eat Directly From Package
Are you one of those people who is guilty of eating potato chips directly from the bag? Perhaps you can’t wait to get cereal into your bowl, so you eat it directly from the box. While this may seem innocent, the truth is that eating straight from the package can lead to overeating since you’re not aware of exactly how much you’re consuming.
When you fill a portion onto a bowl or a plate you have a clearer idea of exactly how much you’re consuming. Get to know the serving sizes of your foods and be mindful of exactly how much you’re eating.