3 Tips For Fueling Your Body Before A Hard Day’s Work

by Adel

If you work in a hard manual labor job or you just know that you’re going to have a long day of work ahead of you, there are certain things that you’re going to want to eat in order to ensure that your body has the strength and energy it needs to sustain you throughout this time. So whether you work loading and unloading a warehouse or you have a big day coming up, here are three tips for fueling your body before a hard day’s work. 

Time Your Meals Correctly

Before we get into what you should be eating prior to working hard physically, we should first discuss how the timing of when you eat can affect your performance and energy output.

If you eat too far before you’re going to be using your body, you could risk depleting your energy sources before you actually get to use them for the job you have. Additionally, if you eat too soon to when you’re planning to be working hard, you could be overly full and feel uncomfortable or even sick when you’re working.

Ideally, you should shoot for eating a hearty meal about two hours before you have to work or do another physically demanding task. This way, the food will have time to digest a bit without moving out of your system completely. 

Keep Yourself Consistently Hydrated

When you’re working hard, you’re likely going to be sweating as your body tries to keep you cool. But when you sweat, your body can quickly become dehydrated if you’re not working to actively keep yourself hydrated. 

To do this, you’ll want to drink water or another hydrating drink before, during, and after you’re done with your physical work. Keeping yourself consistently hydrated, not drinking a lot before working and not drinking anything until later on in the day, will be the best way to keep your body working as efficiently as it can. 

Get Enough Carbs and Protein

When your body is needing to have a lot of physical strength and stamina for the work you’re needing to get done, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re eating foods that can provide you with this.

Before you get to work, make sure you’re eating enough carbs and proteins in the meals you eat. These macronutrients will help ensure that your muscles are fueled well and that you have energy reserves to pull from. Otherwise, you might run out of steam well before the work you have to do is actually done.

If you have a hard day’s work coming up, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you learn how to best fuel your body for this physical challenge. 

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