Copycat Propitious Mango Ice Cream Recipe

by Chef Adel
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Copycat Propitious Mango Ice Cream Recipe

I’m incredibly excited to share with you a recipe that is not just close to my heart but promises to bring a slice of summer bliss directly into your homes—my Propitious Mango Ice Cream recipe. For as long as I can remember, mangoes have painted my summers with vibrant hues of joy and sweetness. From eagerly waiting for the first mango of the season to finding numerous excuses to include this king of fruits in every meal, my love affair with mangoes has been a delicious journey.

Table of Contents

How to make Propitious Mango Ice Cream

Propitious Mango Ice Cream is likely a type of mango-flavored ice cream. The term “propitious” means favorable or auspicious, so it suggests that this ice cream could be particularly delightful or promising. It might be infused with high-quality mango puree or extract to give it a rich mango flavor.

Ingredients for Propitious Mango Ice Cream:

  • 2 cups ripe mangoes, peeled and diced
  • 1 cup sugar (can be adjusted based on the sweetness of the mangoes)
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • A pinch of salt
  • Optional: 1 tbsp lemon juice (to enhance the mango flavor)


Prepare the Mango Puree:

  1. Blend the Mangoes: In a blender, combine the diced mangoes and sugar. Blend until the mixture is smooth. If your mangoes are already exceptionally sweet, you might want to start with less sugar and adjust to taste.
  2. Enhance the Flavor: If you choose to use lemon juice, add it to the mango puree and blend once more to incorporate it thoroughly.

Make the Ice Cream Base:

  1. Mix Dairy: In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the heavy cream, milk, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt.
  2. Combine: Add the mango puree to the cream mixture and stir well until everything is fully combined.


  1. Refrigerate the Mixture: Pour the mixture into a container, cover it, and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, ideally overnight. This step is crucial as it helps the flavors meld together and ensures the ice cream mixture is thoroughly chilled, which is essential for creamy texture upon freezing.


  1. Ice Cream Maker: Pour the chilled mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions, typically about 20-25 minutes or until it reaches a soft-serve consistency.
  2. Freezer Time: Transfer the churned ice cream to a freeze-proof container. Cover and freeze until the ice cream is firm, usually around 2-4 hours.
  3. Serve: Scoop and enjoy heaven in a bowl! Garnish with mango pieces or mint leaves, if desired.

Tips for Perfect Mango Ice Cream:

  • Choice of Mangoes: Use ripe, flavorful mangoes such as Alphonso, Honey, or Kent for the best natural sweetness and flavor.
  • Sugar Adjustment: Depending on the sweetness of the mangoes, adjust the amount of sugar. Remember, the freezing process dulls sweetness, so a slightly over-sweet mixture often results in perfectly sweetened ice cream.
  • Pre-Chill Your Equipment: Before you churn the ice cream, make sure your ice cream maker’s bowl is completely frozen, usually by freezing it 24 hours before you need it.
  • Texture Booster: Adding a tablespoon of vodka to the ice cream mixture can help prevent ice crystals and make your ice cream even creamier. Alcohol lowers the freezing point, resulting in a softer texture.

What to serve with

Serving a dessert as delightful as Propitious Mango Ice Cream opens up a world of delicious pairing possibilities. The sweet, creamy richness of the ice cream can be complemented with a variety of foods, textures, and flavors. Here’s how you can elevate your mango ice cream experience by pairing it thoughtfully:

  • Fresh Tropical Fruits: A medley of fresh, sliced tropical fruits can be a bright and refreshing accompaniment. Think kiwi, pineapple, papaya, and even a few extra slices of ripe mango. The acidity and sweetness of the fruits will enhance the mango flavor in the ice cream.
  • Coconut Flakes: Toasted coconut flakes add a delightful crunch and a nutty flavor that pairs beautifully with the tropical notes of mango. Their crispy texture contrasts nicely with the creaminess of the ice cream.
  • Crunchy Nuts: Chopped almonds, pistachios, or cashews provide a wonderful texture and earthiness that complements the sweet, fruity flavor of the ice cream. Consider lightly toasting the nuts to bring out their natural oils and flavors.
  • Dessert Sauces: A drizzle of caramel, honey, or even a mango coulis can add an extra layer of sweetness and sophistication. If you’re feeling adventurous, a spicy mango or a tangy passion fruit sauce can introduce an exciting flavor contrast.
  • Shortbread Cookies or Biscotti: Serve your ice cream with a side of crunchy shortbread cookies or biscotti for dipping. The buttery flavor and the crispy texture make them the perfect accompaniment.
  • Cakes and Pies: A slice of pound cake, angel food cake, or a buttery shortcrust pastry can serve as an excellent base for your ice cream. For an all-out indulgence, serve atop a warm slice of mango or peach cobbler.
  • Chocolate: Believe it or not, chocolate and mango can be a match made in heaven. Dark chocolate shavings, a drizzle of chocolate sauce, or even a few chocolate chips can add a decadent twist to your ice cream.
  • Whipped Cream: A dollop of lightly whipped cream on top of your mango ice cream can add a luxurious creaminess. Garnish with a mint leaf or a sprinkle of lime zest for a pop of color and freshness.
  • Sparkling Beverages: For a truly festive occasion, serve your mango ice cream with a side of sparkling wine, champagne, or a non-alcoholic sparkling beverage. The enthusiasm can cleanse the palate between bites, enhancing the mango’s flavor.
  • Grilled Desserts: Grilled fruit, such as peaches, pineapples, or bananas, can be an excellent warm accompaniment to the cold ice cream, offering a delightful play of temperatures and flavors.

Ingredients Substitutes

Propitious Mango Ice Cream

Creating Propitious Mango Ice Cream can be adaptable to different tastes, dietary preferences, and pantry availability. Here’s a detailed guide on how to substitute various ingredients in the ice cream recipe:


Substitute: If fresh mangoes are not available, you can use canned mango pulp or frozen mango chunks. Ensure that these alternatives do not contain added sugars or syrups, as this could alter the sweetness of your ice cream.


Alternative Sweeteners: If you wish to reduce refined sugar, you can opt for honey, agave syrup, or maple syrup. Keep in mind that these sweeteners have distinct flavors that might slightly alter the ice cream’s taste. For a non-caloric option, stevia or a sugar substitute like erythritol could work, but experimentation with quantities might be needed to achieve the desired sweetness.

Heavy Cream:

Dairy-Free Options: For a vegan or lactose-free version, coconut cream makes an excellent substitute for heavy cream, adding a complementary tropical flavor. Another good option is cashew cream, which can be made by blending soaked cashews with water until smooth. Almond cream or soy cream can also be used as substitutes.

Whole Milk:

Non-Dairy Milk: Almond milk, soy milk, oat milk, or coconut milk can be used in place of whole milk for those avoiding dairy or seeking a lighter version of the ice cream. Note that the fat content in these milks varies, so the ice cream’s creaminess might be slightly reduced with low-fat options.

Vanilla Extract:

Alternatives: If the vanilla extract is not available, you can use vanilla bean paste, which provides a richer vanilla flavor. As a more budget-friendly alternative, imitation vanilla flavor can also be used, though with a slightly artificial aftertaste. Alternatively, you can infuse the milk with a real vanilla bean by heating it gently with the bean and then allowing it to cool before removing the bean.

Lemon Juice:

Substitutes: If lemon juice is not handy, you can use lime juice or orange juice to add a hint of acidity that enhances the mango flavor. Adjust the quantity based on the acidity and strength of the citrus you choose.


Substitutes: In case of dietary restrictions on sodium, you can omit the salt. However, a small amount of salt is generally added to enhance the other flavors in the ice cream.

Final Thoughts

This Propitious Mango Ice Cream isn’t just a treat for the palate but a delight for the soul, encapsulating the warmth and joy of sunny days.

More Ice Cream Recipes:

Copycat Propitious Mango Ice Cream Recipe

Propitious Mango Ice Cream

Serves: 4 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 290 calories 15 grams fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )


  • 2 cups ripe mangoes, peeled and diced
  • 1 cup sugar (can be adjusted based on the sweetness of the mangoes)
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • A pinch of salt
  • Optional: 1 tbsp lemon juice (to enhance the mango flavor)


Prepare the Mango Puree:

  1. Blend the Mangoes: In a blender, combine the diced mangoes and sugar. Blend until the mixture is smooth. If your mangoes are already exceptionally sweet, you might want to start with less sugar and adjust to taste.
  2. Enhance the Flavor: If you choose to use lemon juice, add it to the mango puree and blend once more to incorporate it thoroughly.

Make the Ice Cream Base:

  1. Mix Dairy: In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the heavy cream, milk, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt.
  2. Combine: Add the mango puree to the cream mixture and stir well until everything is fully combined.


  1. Refrigerate the Mixture: Pour the mixture into a container, cover it, and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, ideally overnight. This step is crucial as it helps the flavors meld together and ensures the ice cream mixture is thoroughly chilled, which is essential for creamy texture upon freezing.


  1. Ice Cream Maker: Pour the chilled mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer's instructions, typically about 20-25 minutes or until it reaches a soft-serve consistency.
  2. Freezer Time: Transfer the churned ice cream to a freeze-proof container. Cover and freeze until the ice cream is firm, usually around 2-4 hours.
  3. Serve: Scoop and enjoy heaven in a bowl! Garnish with mango pieces or mint leaves, if desired.

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