Lindt 95% Cocoa Dark Chocolate Recipe

by Chef Adel
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Lindt 95% Cocoa Dark Chocolate Recipe

Ever found yourself daydreaming about that tantalizingly rich and utterly decadent slab of dark chocolate goodness? If you’re nodding along, well, hold on to your taste buds because we’re about to get up close and personal with the bold world of Lindt’s 95% cocoa dark chocolate. Let’s face it, not all chocolates are made equal and this little gem? Well, it’s the dark knight of chocolate bars, standing tall in its cloak of deep, complex flavors and a whisper of sweetness that’ll make you wonder where it’s been all your life.

Table of Contents

How to make Lindt 95% Cocoa Dark Chocolate

Lindt 95% Cocoa Dark Chocolate is a high-cocoa-content chocolate produced by Lindt & Sprüngli, a Swiss chocolatier and confectionery company. It’s part of their Excellence line, which is known for its premium quality chocolates. As the name suggests, this particular variety contains 95% cocoa solids, making it a very dark and intense chocolate.


  • Cocoa beans: These little beauties are the heart and soul of our chocolate escapade. Sourced from the equator’s embrace, they’re the pièce de résistance of chocolate making.
  • Cocoa butter: This is the silky-smooth operator that gives the chocolate its seductive melt-in-the-mouth quality.
  • Sugar: Just a pinch because we’re keeping it dark and mysterious with 95% cocoa. But a tad bit of sweetness can go a long way.
  • A dash of vanilla: It’s the whisper in the night, the subtle hint of something more.


  1. Become One with the Beans: Spread your cocoa beans on a baking sheet. Slide them into the oven and roast them gently. Keep a hawk’s eye on them though; they should be flirting with the heat, not getting burnt at the stake.
  2. Winnow Like a Pro: Once roasted, your beans need a costume change. Crack them out of their shells and blow away the husks. What you want are the nibs – they’re the golden tickets here.
  3. Milling Madness: Grind those nibs. We’re talking super fine, so your future chocolate is smoother than a silk scarf. Still feeling bits and pieces? Keep going.
  4. The Meltdown: Cocoa butter, meet heat. Warm it up slowly; you’re coaxing it into a liquid, not chasing it into a boil.
  5. Mix Master Flex: As your cocoa butter lounges in its liquid state, introduce it to the ground cocoa nibs. Sugar and vanilla, you’re up. Dive into the mix for a sweet little party.
  6. Conching and Refining: If you’ve got a conching machine, you’re in luck. Let this whirlybird smooth things out and mix it to perfection. No machine? Worry not, a bit of elbow grease and a sturdy spatula will do the trick for a homemade vibe.
  7. Cool and Set: Pour the molten chocolate into molds. Tap them gently; we don’t want air bubbles gatecrashing our smooth chocolate party. Now, cool it! Literally, let it solidify in a cool place.
  8. Unmold and Marvel: Once set, pop them out of the molds. Hold up that shining bar of 95% cocoa delight and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back.


  • Keep it cool and collected: Temperatures are key. Too hot and your cocoa butter will feel overwhelmed. Too cool and it won’t transform into the liquid gold we need.
  • Patience, my dear Watson: Chocolate can smell fear… and impatience. Take your time at each step and the rewards will be rich and full-bodied.
  • Experiment, but don’t go crazy: Sure, play with flavors, but remember, 95% cocoa dark chocolate is about that cocoa pow-wow.

What to serve with

When it comes to Lindt’s 95% Cocoa Dark Chocolate, think of it as your bold, sophisticated friend who raises the bar (pun intended) at every party. What you serve with this chocolate maestro has the potential to turn a simple snack into an unforgettable sensory experience.

Red Wine:

Now, this is no ordinary meet-up. It’s like that classic movie scene where the two stars lock eyes and you just know – it’s a match made heavenward. A good, robust red wine that’s full of character – think Cabernet Sauvignon – allows those rich, bitter notes of the chocolate to sing while the tannins in the wine do a little tango on the side. Oh, sweet harmony!


Talk about crunchy and smooth! Serving up this intense chocolate with a scattering of nuts, from the creamy cashew to the rugged walnut, is the stuff of munching legend. The nuts’ slightly salty twang creates a contrast with the deep cocoa flavors, making your palate the ultimate playground.

Dried Fruits:

Do you want to add a twist? Why not invite some dried fruits to the festival! The intense sweetness and chewiness of dried apricots, figs, or cherries cut through the bold chocolate like a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day, creating an epic burst of flavors.


I see you raising an eyebrow. Cheese? With chocolate? You bet your sweet appetite is a thing. Imagine a slice of tangy blue cheese or creamy Brie lounging next to a square of dark chocolate. It’s like they were separated at birth and are now having the most heartwarming reunion on your taste buds.


Sipping on a rich, dark espresso while nibbling on that dark chocolate is quite possibly the definition of taking a break to levels of grandeur. The bitter kick of coffee complements the chocolate in such an elegant fashion that it’s as if they were long-lost soulmates.

Whisky or Bourbon:

Fancy adding a touch of the high-roller to your chocolate experience? A smooth whisky or a caramel-noted bourbon can elevate your chocolate moment to star status. The spirits’ smokiness mingling with that 95% cocoa is a bonfire of decadence.

Fresh Fruits:

And for those moments when you’re craving a bit of freshness, fret not. The tartness of some fresh raspberries or the sweet juiciness of strawberries can cut through the intensity beautifully. It’s a delightful love affair between the sweet and the sublime.

Ingredients Substitutes

Cocoa Dark Chocolate

When you’re looking to put your own twist on a classic like Lindt 95% Cocoa Dark Chocolate, it’s all about playing with the ingredients, hunting for substitutes that keep the dance of flavors alive without missing a beat.

Cocoa Beans:

These little guys are the soul of your chocolate. No cocoa beans? No problem! You could try cocoa powder. Now, hear me out – it’s not a perfect swap, but when the going gets tough, a high-quality, unsweetened cocoa powder can pinch-hit for the beans. Remember, look for one that’s as pure as you can get, the kind of stuff that promises a deep, chocolatey flavor without any added fluff.

Cocoa Butter:

This is where our chocolate gets its creamy, melt-in-your-mouth quality. But if cocoa butter is playing hard to get, coconut oil can be your new BFF. It brings a slight coconutty whisper to the mix, which can make your chocolate a tad more exotic. Another great option? Shea butter! Just make sure it’s food grade and you’re set for a lush substitute.


Whipping up a 95% cocoa chocolate means the sugar content is already taking a backseat, but it’s still in the car, you know? If you want to veer off the refined sugar highway, how about steering towards maple syrup or honey? They’re natural and bring subtle flavors that can add a new layer of taste to the mix. Or for those keeping it low on the glycemic index, stevia or monk fruit could be your ticket.


Vanilla is like the harmony in our chocolate symphony—oops, scratch the symphony talk. Let’s say it’s like the secret in your diary – subtle but critical. No vanilla extract lying around? A dash of almond extract could do wonders. It’s like swapping silk for satin – different, yet still dazzlingly smooth. Or how about bourbon? Yep, a tiny splash adds warmth and depth that complements the intense cocoa.

Final thoughts

So go forth, create, taste, and bask in the glory of your handmade Lindt 95% Cocoa Dark Chocolate treasure. Here’s to your very own crafted bar that not only sings with depth and intensity but also winks at your wellness. 

More Dark Chocolate Recipes:

Lindt 95% Cocoa Dark Chocolate Recipe

Lindt 95% Cocoa Dark Chocolate

Serves: 4 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 18 grams fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )


  • Cocoa beans
  • Cocoa butter
  • Sugar
  • A dash of vanilla


  1. Become One with the Beans: Spread your cocoa beans on a baking sheet. Slide them into the oven and roast them gently. Keep a hawk's eye on them though; they should be flirting with the heat, not getting burnt at the stake.
  2. Winnow Like a Pro: Once roasted, your beans need a costume change. Crack them out of their shells and blow away the husks. What you want are the nibs – they're the golden tickets here.
  3. Milling Madness: Grind those nibs. We're talking super fine, so your future chocolate is smoother than a silk scarf. Still feeling bits and pieces? Keep going.
  4. The Meltdown: Cocoa butter, meet heat. Warm it up slowly; you're coaxing it into a liquid, not chasing it into a boil.
  5. Mix Master Flex: As your cocoa butter lounges in its liquid state, introduce it to the ground cocoa nibs. Sugar and vanilla, you're up. Dive into the mix for a sweet little party.
  6. Conching and Refining: If you’ve got a conching machine, you’re in luck. Let this whirlybird smooth things out and mix it to perfection. No machine? Worry not, a bit of elbow grease and a sturdy spatula will do the trick for a homemade vibe.
  7. Cool and Set: Pour the molten chocolate into molds. Tap them gently; we don’t want air bubbles gatecrashing our smooth chocolate party. Now, cool it! Literally, let it solidify in a cool place.
  8. Unmold and Marvel: Once set, pop them out of the molds. Hold up that shining bar of 95% cocoa delight and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back.

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