Chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean Brownies (Copycat)

by Chef Adel
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Chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean Brownies

Brace yourself because I’m about to spill the beans (quite literally) on a brownie recipe that’ll knock your socks off and tuck you into a cozy blanket of chocolatey goodness. Say hello to Chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean Brownies – the brainchild of the dessert genius at Chocolate Covered Katie – and wave a cheeky goodbye to any naysayer who ever doubted the magic union of nutrition and decadent treats.

Table of Contents

How to make Chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean Brownies

Chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean Brownies are a healthier alternative to traditional brownies, as they are made with black beans as the base ingredient instead of flour. The recipe was created by Katie Higgins, who runs the blog “Chocolate Covered Katie,” which focuses on healthy dessert recipes.


  • 1 1/2 cups black beans (Yep, you read that right. Make sure they’re rinsed and drained, we don’t want a watery brownie, now do we?)
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder (The darker, the better – we’re talking rich, deep flavors that make your heart sing)
  • 1/2 cup quick oats (To keep everything together, think of it as the glue, making sure the fun doesn’t end too soon)
  • 1/4 tsp salt (Just a pinch to make all those flavors pop!)
  • 1/3 cup pure maple syrup or honey (Nature’s sweetener, keeping it wholesome)
  • 2 tbsp sugar (Because sometimes you just need a little extra sweetness in your life)
  • 1/4 cup coconut or vegetable oil (This is what gives it that decadent, melt-in-your-mouth feel)
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract (Vanilla and chocolate are a match made in heaven, aren’t they?)
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder (To give your brownies a little lift and fluff)
  • 1/2 cup to 2/3 cup chocolate chips (Because, let’s face it, there’s no such thing as too much chocolate)


  1. Preheat that oven of yours to 350°F (175°C). Let it get all nice and toasty while you work on the mix.
  2. Find yourself a good food processor because, yes, we are blending beans into a dessert, and it’s going to be fabulous. Toss in your black beans, cocoa powder, quick oats, and salt. Blitz the life out of them until the mix’s smoother than a jazz sax solo.
  3. Now, introduce the maple syrup (or honey), sugar, oil, and vanilla extract to the party. Blend it again; let it all get to know each other.
  4. Remember the baking powder? That’s your cue to add it in and give it one last whirl. We want these brownies to have just a hint of airiness.
  5. Here’s the fun part. Stir in those chocolate chips, but save a few to sprinkle on top because we’re fancy like that.
  6. Pour this velvety dream into a greased 8×8-inch pan. Spread it out nice and even, and sprinkle on the remaining chocolate chips because you’re the artist and this is your canvas.
  7. Bake in the preheated oven for 15-18 minutes. Let it cool before attempting to cut it into squares (patience, young grasshopper, good things come to those who wait).

Tips to Nail the Chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean Brownies:

  • Don’t skimp on the blend: Make sure your batter is as smooth as you can get it. No one wants a surprise bean in their bite.
  • Quality matters: Opt for the best cocoa powder and chocolate chips you can find. It elevates your brownies from “pretty darn good” to “where have you been all my life?”
  • Cool your jets: Let them cool completely before cutting them into squares. I know it’s a test of will, but it’s worth it.

What to serve with

There’s no denying it; a plain brownie is already the bee’s knees, but why stop there when you can jazz it up to be the height of dessert indulgence? Here are a few knockout pairings that will elevate your Chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean Brownies experience to cloud nine.

1. Ice Cream

Oh, come on, was there ever a more heavenly duo than Chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean brownies and ice cream? Scoop up your favorite flavor – be it classic vanilla, rich chocolate, or daring salted caramel – and plop it right on that warm brownie. The cold ice cream melting into the warm, fudgy brownie is just a symphony of yum.

2. Whipped Cream

If ice cream isn’t your jam, a dollop of lightly sweetened whipped cream could do the trick. It adds a luxurious creaminess to each bite that feels like a cloud in your mouth – absolutely divine.

3. Fresh Berries

Want to pretend you’re being somewhat healthy? Toss a handful of fresh berries on the side. Strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries provide a tart contrast to the deep chocolate flavor and add a pop of color that makes your plate look like a piece of art.

4. Nut Butters

Drizzle a bit of warm peanut butter or almond butter over the top for a nutty twist that’ll make your tastebuds dance. The combination of gooey Chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean Brownies with the creamy, salty nut butter is just out of this world!

5. Coffee

Not exactly ‘with’ but certainly a fantastic pairing – a good old cup of joe. Serve a steamy mug of coffee with your brownie. The robust, slightly bitter flavors of coffee marry beautifully with the sweet, chocolatey depth of the brownie, elevating your snack break to a mini café experience.

6. Dessert Wine

For those special occasions, why not go all out with a glass of dessert wine? A nice Port or a sweet Riesling complements the chocolate wonderfully, turning your dessert into a refined treat.

7. Caramel Sauce

Last but certainly not least, a drizzle of caramel sauce can turn your already decadent brownie into a sticky, sweet, and utterly indulgent treat. Just imagine that rich caramel mingling with the dense chocolate layers of your Chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean Brownies – it’s just a match made in heaven.

Ingredients Substitutes

Black Bean Brownies Chocolate Covered Katie

You’re about to become a wizard with the whisk, a sorcerer of substitutions, as we tackle the delightful world of Chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean Brownies with a twist – switching up the ingredients! Fear not if your pantry looks a bit different; these swaps are just as delicious and might even add a new spin on an old favorite.

The Great Bean Swap

Starting with the star of the show, black beans. Should the cupboard be bare? Fear not! You can swap in another variety, like kidney beans or even pinto beans, and still expect a sumptuous treat. Just make sure they’re well-rinsed to avoid any uninvited bean flavors crashing your brownie party.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa powder, oh how we love thee. But say you’re fresh out – you can use an equal amount of finely chopped unsweetened chocolate or, in a pinch, even chocolate protein powder. The latter might just add a bit more muscle to your indulgence!


Quick oats act as our gluten-free friend for texture and binding. But if they’ve rolled out of your life, you can use ground flaxseed or almond meal for a similar effect. These heart-healthy heroes will keep your Chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean Brownies just as fudgy and delicious.

The Sweet Scoop

Maple syrup and sugar bring the sweetness to the party. No maple syrup? Honey, you can totally use honey instead, or perhaps agave syrup for the plant-based pals out there. And for sugar – coconut sugar or a splash more syrup can save the day.

Oil Options

Coconut or vegetable oil: That’s what brings the lush, moist texture. If you’re out, applesauce can step in to make these brownies just as moist with a bit less fat. Butter or another neutral oil like canola could also be your stand-in stars.

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract is like the understated background singer that makes the lead vocals pop. No vanilla? Try almond extract for a twist or bourbon if you’re feeling fancy. They’ll add an oh-so-subtle nuance that’ll make you go, “Hmm!”

Baking Powder

Baking powder gives your brownies that little lift. All out? A combo of 1/4 teaspoon baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon vinegar or lemon juice can play the same game. Science, baby – it’s not just for volcanoes at science fairs.

Chocolate Chips

These are our crown jewels, but if your treasure chest is empty, chop up a chocolate bar into chunks. Got nuts? Throw in some chopped walnuts or pecans for a bite that’s as satisfying as crunching on autumn leaves.

Final Thoughts

You just made a chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean Brownies that’ll make you wonder why you ever doubted the power of beans in your dessert. 

Chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean Brownies

Chocolate Covered Katie Black Bean Brownies

Serves: 4 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 115 calories 5.5 grams fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )


  • 1 1/2 cups black beans (Yep, you read that right. Make sure they’re rinsed and drained, we don’t want a watery brownie, now do we?)
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder (The darker, the better – we’re talking rich, deep flavors that make your heart sing)
  • 1/2 cup quick oats (To keep everything together, think of it as the glue, making sure the fun doesn’t end too soon)
  • 1/4 tsp salt (Just a pinch to make all those flavors pop!)
  • 1/3 cup pure maple syrup or honey (Nature’s sweetener, keeping it wholesome)
  • 2 tbsp sugar (Because sometimes you just need a little extra sweetness in your life)
  • 1/4 cup coconut or vegetable oil (This is what gives it that decadent, melt-in-your-mouth feel)
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract (Vanilla and chocolate are a match made in heaven, aren’t they?)
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder (To give your brownies a little lift and fluff)
  • 1/2 cup to 2/3 cup chocolate chips (Because, let’s face it, there’s no such thing as too much chocolate)


  1. Preheat that oven of yours to 350°F (175°C). Let it get all nice and toasty while you work on the mix.
  2. Find yourself a good food processor because, yes, we are blending beans into a dessert, and it’s going to be fabulous. Toss in your black beans, cocoa powder, quick oats, and salt. Blitz the life out of them until the mix’s smoother than a jazz sax solo.
  3. Now, introduce the maple syrup (or honey), sugar, oil, and vanilla extract to the party. Blend it again; let it all get to know each other.
  4. Remember the baking powder? That’s your cue to add it in and give it one last whirl. We want these brownies to have just a hint of airiness.
  5. Here’s the fun part. Stir in those chocolate chips, but save a few to sprinkle on top because we’re fancy like that.
  6. Pour this velvety dream into a greased 8x8-inch pan. Spread it out nice and even, and sprinkle on the remaining chocolate chips because you’re the artist and this is your canvas.
  7. Bake in the preheated oven for 15-18 minutes. Let it cool before attempting to cut it into squares (patience, young grasshopper, good things come to those who wait).

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